Tuesday, 12 February 2008

STHLM united

So, in a few hours I’m going up to Stockholm again. Workshadowing they say. I don't know yet how it’s meant to be done, but I'm getting there. I felt confident that everything would just work out itself with this module, since so much of it isn't depending on us for once. I'm not conceptualizing, making 50 new business ideas in eight minutes or blindly messing up a perfectly good piece of php. This is just humans, we just watch them. Not to talk about the "live" projects for next module, it feels like we could just send out six or seven random emails and then have fifty projects. Sure it’s not that simple, but just dealing with the logistical and human parts of stress and not the sit-in-front-of-your-computer-and-be-creative stress is so nice. Today I love this module.

My Stockholmian friends called and asked if I was going with them to Gothenburg this Easter, we have gone there every year since the dawn of time to lock ourselves in a school and tell stories, like I sort of maybe wasn't. It made me once again realise how worthless my communication skill is, I haven’t spoken to them since I saw them around new-year.

Sleep now.

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